Perspectives on Religion and Politics  ( is a reference online journal devoted to key interdisciplinary research  on religion and politics. Its main goals are:

 -Providing a unique platform for the burgeoning scholarship on religion and politics that cannot find visibility within the constricted boundaries of either religious studies or political science.

- Publishing scholarship from the Global South.

-  Reexamining topics that are intensely debated in the public space from an objective, data-driven perspective in order to offer alternatives to ideological or partisan positions specially when it comes to hotly debates topics like violence and politics, Human Rights or Democracy and Secularism.

Published quarterly, each peer-reviewed issue will consist of one uniquely focused article of approximately 40,000 words. As a digital-born venture, issues will be published online within 30 days of acceptance, and can be updated periodically.  However, each individual issue will also be made available as a standalone book in both print and electronic format. Authors would receive a one-time honorarium of $500 per submission.

The first issue to be released in June 2019 is an original text of Professor Jose Casanova, “The Modern Religious-Secular Binary System of Classification” that addresses the current and somewhat conflicting categories used today by scholars from different disciplines to apprehend the role of politics in religion and vice versa.

For its second issue to be released December 2019, Perspectives on Religion and Politics (BPRP) is seeking a paper that will focus on secularism.

In 1999, sociologist of religion Rodney Stark declared the secularization paradigm dead because none of its three core dimensions were validated by facts: separation of religion and politics, privatization and decline of personal religiosity. Twenty years after this article, the debate is still raging with attempts to produce alternative approaches to the secularization paradigm. BPRP is seeking papers that will address this debate from the dual perspective of religious studies and social sciences and preferably outside the West and across religious traditions.

Send your abstracts for preselection no later than February 1 2019. The authors of the preselected papers will be invited to submit their full text no later than August 1 2019.

Abstracts should be sent to: